Legal notice

Site Editor

Content writing:
Clément Collignon

Photo/image credits:
Clément Collignon


Website design:
Timothee Collignon

Website development:
Ekosme, agence Web


OVH SAS is a subsidiary of OVH Groupe SA, a company registered with the Lille Trade and Companies.

Register number 537 407 926, located at 2, rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix.

Personal Data

The only personal information that may be collected through the website is the email address and any other personal data that the user of the website voluntarily includes in his message. All personal information voluntarily mentioned by the user of the website is personal data whose mention is optional for the user. The processing of this data is exclusively for information or external communication purposes (CNIL Deliberation No. 2006-138 of May 9, 2006, JORF No. 128 of June 3, 2006). The data is only stored and used for the sole purpose of responding to these electronic messages. It is neither rented nor transferred to third parties, neither free of charge nor for a fee.

Each user, a natural person who can prove their identity, of this website has the right to ask SUSTAAIN whether or not personal data concerning them is being processed, what the purposes of any processing are, what categories of personal data are being processed and the recipients of this data within SUSTAAIN. They may also request communication, in an understandable form, of the personal data concerning them, as well as any information available regarding personal data concerning them. A copy of the personal data is provided free of charge to the user of the website if they so wish. Any request concerning personal information requires that the user first prove their identity in order for a response to be given.

The user of the website may request the deletion or modification of personal data concerning them, for a legitimate reason. Requests must be sent to SUSTAAIN, 1, rue Grangeneuve 33000 Bordeaux (FRANCE).